What Are Astrological Remedies? How to Come Up With the Best Remedies?

Examples for Neptune/12th House/ Pisces placements

I love coming up with remedies in my work and I’ve included them in every reading I offer. Remedies are symbols, actions or patterns that we can use in order to positively channel the energy of a difficult transit or aspect that we struggle with. I started working on those after a couple of difficult years I had during Neptune transiting my 7th house (Pisces) and opposing my Sun, Mercury and Ascendant in Virgo one by one. Mercury rules my 10th house and MC (career) as well, the Sun rules my 12th house where my Venus is (Venus rules the 2nd and 9th house), so I felt these transits quite strongly in my sense of self, job, career, communication, finances and love life.

Everything seemed to dematerialize, there were many deceptions, lies and secret enemies around me, things were difficult to keep afloat and I was extremely emotional and confused (Neptune). I kept meeting unreliable people with strong Pisces traits in my work and personal life, as oppositions usually show someone coming into our life illuminating our shadows – the better we’ve integrated that archetype within us, the better our experience with the people coming in.

On the bright side, I started diving into spirituality and astrology which is a positive manifestation of Neptune and Pisces AND of Mercury and Virgo. In ancient astrology Mercury was the planet associated with astrology and channelling. I wanted to channel the energy in a positive way instead of what I had been experiencing for years and I found a list of symbols and activities related to Neptune to do in my free time. I was already called to do most of them before knowing any of this. As you know, when you’re going through a difficult time the reason is that you soul needs an extra push to get onto its own path and many of the remedies you can find for yourself are things you get called to do anyway.

You can use practically anything as a remedy symbol, but the easiest ones include specific crystals. Say you have a hard aspect between your Moon and Saturn and you struggle with your emotions or your discipline. The specific influence will depend on the nature of the aspect and the placements and strength of the planets. But generally speaking, you can combine those energies by getting a jewellery piece containing a moonstone and an amethyst, for example. Depending on the signs and houses you can go deeper – if it’s connected to the 2nd house (Venus, Taurus, throat chakra) you could make a necklace. If it’s connected to the 3rd house (hands, Gemini, Mercury) it could be a bracelet, etc.

When working with remedies it’s important to tune into the energy of the person you’re reading for and use your intuition. Practically every single thing in existence falls into one of the 12 archetypes, so the possibilities are endless. As an example, here’s a non-exhaustive list of Neptunian activities that I mentioned in relation to my Neptune oppositions. Those would work for Pisces/12th house issues as well:

  • Best crystals to use – my favourite Neptune crystal is aquamarine. It actually combines a bunch of other archetypes as well so it works wonderfully. I recommend sleeping next to it because Neptune is also associated with sleeping and dreams;
  • Creating art (drawing, coloring, music, poetry, fictional writing, etc);
  • Swimming; spa (especially floating);
  • Spirituality – astrology, law of attraction, psychology, tarot etc;
  • Being of service, helping others, especially those less fortunate, through some sort of a personal sacrifice (of resources, time, energy etc);
  • Biology, alternative medicine;
  • Dancing;
  • Acting, singing, photography, anything related to the movie industry;
  • Spending time by large bodies of water (seas, oceans), surrounding yourself with ocean themed art or décor at home;
  • Studying foreign languages or spending time with foreigners, exploring foreign cultures (it’s more related to Jupiter and Sagittarius, but if it’s related to a distant 12th house place it works pretty well too);
  • Traveling to distant places or moving abroad somewhere far away;
  • Doing something for someone, manifesting for someone, sending positive energy to strangers on the street for no reason;
  • Meditating, listening to chakra healing beats, doing yoga or healing sessions;
  • Praying, establishing a stable belief system and faith in something bigger than you. Being able to trust and let go when you can’t see the big picture.

This is one of my favourite topics, so expect more content related to remedies in time 😊 You can review my practical natal chart aspect example article here.

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