A Practical Example of a Remedy for a 4-Planet Configuration

Example: Uranus and Neptune conjunct in Capricorn (5th house) squared by Mars and Jupiter conjunct in Libra (2nd house)

As you guys have probably noticed (because I talk about it all the time) I’m very much into remedies. I’ll give you a great example I’m quite proud of that has worked amazingly for me and other people who have a similar configuration. I’m sharing my own chart as an illustration. This was one of the first remedies I tested on myself when I started working with those energies.

As you can see from my chart I have my Jupiter and Mars conjunct in Libra in my 2nd house. They also square another conjunction I have – between Uranus and Neptune in Capricorn in my 5th house. The latter is a generational conjunction (since Uranus and Neptune are quite slow moving) and it’s prominent in most 90s kids’ charts. It’s talking mostly about a generation issue – how we are supposed to bring in the new (Uranus) while also being empathetic and inclusive (Neptune) and thus dissolve old structures (Capricorn). It sounds a bit abstract but if you think about it that’s what most of the Millennial movements have been about.

In some charts, such as mine, this conjunction touches on personal planets which makes its influence a lot stronger for the individual. It also enhances the generational responsibility one bares as part of the collective. If it’s a hard aspect (conjunction, opposition, square) it’s a bit harder to integrate. Why? Because we never experience a full return of any of the generational planets in our lives. We simply don’t live as long as they take to orbit around the sun and thus go through our entire chart.

The way this square manifests negatively in my life would take a long time to explain, but let me share a couple of examples. Jupiter rules my 4th and 7th house, Mars rules my 3rd and 8th house, their conjunction is in the 2nd (Libra) ruled by Venus in the 12th, which also rules the 9th. All of those areas are practically tensed up by Uranus and Neptune in the 5th, 6th (co-ruled by Saturn) and 7th again (co-ruled by Neptune). Meaning, my projects, my love life, my relationships and my health and daily life sometimes negatively influence my sense of self, my home, communication, intimate connections, faith and belief system, money and self-worth. Or, the other way around – I get too wrapped up in trying to make money and building connections and I forget about my spiritual development and my need to be alone or to do something creative and unique.

This is a really basic explanation but you get the point. As a more specific example – I once had a long-distance relationship (Neptune in the 5th conjunct Uranus) that made me so depressed (Cap+ the 12th house Venus) that I didn’t have any drive to do anything (Mars), I felt hopeless (Jupiter) and all my 2nd house related matters that touch on the whole chart were negatively impacted.

The remedy I came up with was to donate money (2nd house) to charities (Neptune) in my home country (Cap) online (Uranus). The charities had to be related to children (5th house) or old people (Cap). Interestingly enough, ever since I was a teenager, I’ve been getting involved with charity work before I ever knew anything about astrology. I’ve been a mentor, I used to volunteer for the Red Cross and a bunch of other organizations, and I would find charities I liked and donate money from time to time ever since I started working at the age of 18. I also spent some time volunteering at an elephant nature park in Thailand once. My point is, as I’ve mentioned before, people naturally gravitate towards remedies without even knowing that’s what they’re doing.

So how did this work? I picked a bunch of charities online and I donated some money once. I didn’t really expect anything, I was just trying to positively work through those energies and I liked the idea of helping someone. Two days later I received an email that my boss had me up for a promotion at my job that I knew nothing about, and my salary increase was exactly as much as I had donated. That’s how I figured this method worked, but then a couple months ago I accidentally tested it again. I had this necklace that I wanted to donate and I gifted it as a present to a friend of mine. I wasn’t even thinking about remedies, I just wanted to donate it for personal reasons. Then a week later I received a new job offer and my increase was again exactly as much as that necklace cost.

With this example I want to illustrate those remedies could be anything – as long as you combine the symbols it will always work. You don’t always need to use crystals, for example. Feel free to experiment with the archetypes and combine them as you see fit. And always use your intuition to get the best result. If you need help, feel free to check out my reading offerings and I’ll help you with your own remedies 😊

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