Is Popular Astrology Doing More Damage Than Good?

Astrology truly is an invaluable spiritual and practical tool. In my opinion it’s becoming more and more popular not only because it’s a ‘trend’ but also due to the nature of the 5D and the Age of Aquarius (we’ll discuss this in detail in another article). More and more people chase after spiritual development trying to understand themselves and their lifepath, and many of them have been failed by conventional methods such as psychology, philosophy, conventional healing methods or other tools. So, having astrology gaining popularity is great – it can help us understand ourselves better and learn more about our lives. However, as every other process in nature, this one also has both positive and negative sides to it.

A couple of issues I personally have with astrology and its popularity:

  1. Evaluating and discriminating people based on their Sun sign. Taking individual placements out of context

The Sun sign is important and it can tell you a lot about a person. But not having seen someone’s chart and giving them qualities based on the month they were born in is quite narrow-minded. It works great for meme creation and general descriptions of the archetypes, but that’s where I draw the line. No, all people born within the same 30 days of the year are not the same and will not have the same day today. No, all guys who are Gemini suns will not cheat on you. All of them will have their Sun in a specific house, creating specific aspects, and ruling a specific area of their chart based on their rising sign. If we include degree theory to the equation, we actually notice how different people are even if they have more than one similar aspect, let alone just the Sun.

2. Relying on the ‘big 3’ as if they mean anything without looking at the entire chart

Again, it’s cool to know what your Sun, Moon and rising signs are, and you might learn something about a person by those. But how right are you in your judgements if you haven’t seen those placements’ rulers, how they are positioned in the chart, and what aspects they make? Someone’s Moon in Aries might be beautifully trined by Venus, while someone else’s Moon in Aries in the same degree might be challenged by a square from Saturn. How similar will those two people truly be? The first person might have the ruler of the Moon in Aries (Mars) debilitated in Libra, while the other one might have it exalted in Capricorn. How similar will those two people be? I have an Aries Moon like Rihanna, but trust me, I’m 99 percent more shy than she’ll ever be 😊 Her Mars is in Sag in its own degree, while mine is debilitated in Libra. She’ll be a lot more explosive and unapologetic about her emotions than me, and I’ll have the tendency to suppress my reactions sometimes in order to keep the harmony around me.

3. The “everything is set in stone and I’m a bystander” syndrome

Yes, karma exists. Yes, some events are pre-destined. Yes, anything related to another person is a co-creation and we can’t fully influence what happens. That doesn’t mean we have no control over our lives or that free will is obsolete. I see many people explaining their negative qualities with the help of astrology and using it as an excuse for not trying to reach a state of balance.

What can we do about it?

As someone who talks about, writes about, and promotes astrology, what I do to counteract those issues listed above is to always use disclaimers. When I comment on an individual placement, I always point out it doesn’t mean anything unless the chart is taken into account. I also try to stop myself when I feel I have unconscious bias towards something I hear related to a particular archetype. Remember – if you dislike a particular sign, it’s asking you to integrate it better 😊

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