How to Make the Days of the Week Work for Us?

Each day of the week is governed by one of the planets and is therefore subject to the related archetypes. We can always use this to our advantage to the best of our abilities. If we actually work with the energies instead of against them, this could help us feel more aligned and connected to our inner needs as well. We can excel in our lives a lot easier and get energetic help to aid us in our plans and dreams. To my experience, similar ancient practices actually work a lot better than anything modern and perfectly calculated you could try in order to increase your productivity, motivation or general life satisfaction level.

Why does this work? To put it simply, collective placebo effect = law of attraction. The Latin names for the weeks actually represent the planets. Back when they were named, people associated them with particular archetypes related to the planets and they named the days after the Solar system planets we use in Astrology. If you speak Spanish or French, for example, you may have noticed. For example, in Spanish, the word for Monday is Lunes and it’s governed by the Moon (Luna). The word for Tuesday is Martes and the day is ruled by Mars, etc.

Here’s a breakdown of each day, what activities it’s appropriate for, and what colors it’s associated with. It’s recommended that you wear or incorporate those colors in your days, whenever possible. The lists are of course not exhaustive, but it’s important to grasp the general idea. Of course, that doesn’t mean you should never start new things on Mondays or that you should never spend time relaxing on Saturdays. Keep an open mind. In any case, as you can see, our modern lives are definitely not built around this concept. If we do follow it, it makes a lot more sense to rest on Sundays and Mondays, and to start our week on Tuesdays. No wonder everyone hates Mondays – they weren’t made for work 😊 and Saturdays weren’t made for rest either 😊

Sunday – time to shine

  • Ruled by: The Sun (Leo)
  • Appropriate for: Passionate expression, working on something that brings us joy, being energetic and sociable, being loving and open
  • Colors to wear: Orange

Monday – time to relax

  • Ruled by: The Moon (Cancer)
  • Appropriate for: Rest, self-reflection, shadow work and inner child work, emotional support, comfort, creativity, relaxing activities
  • Colors to wear: White, Green

Tuesday time to act

  • Ruled by: Mars (Aries, Scorpio)
  • Appropriate for: Starting your week, starting new projects, taking action, more intensive workouts, standing up for something, exerting your power
  • Colors to wear: Red

Wednesday – time to communicate  

  • Ruled by: Mercury (Gemini, Virgo)
  • Appropriate for: Learning, reading, writing, talking to people, organizing and cleaning your space, putting your mind in order, planning, making lists, problem-solving
  • Colors to wear: Yellow

Thursday – lucky time

  • Ruled by: Jupiter (Sagittarius, Pisces)
  • Appropriate for: Getting through to someone, understanding a difficult subject matter, teaching, connecting to the Universe, faith practices, meditations, especially for manifesting
  • Colors to wear: Dark Blue

Friday – time for love

  • Ruled by: Venus (Taurus, Libra)
  • Appropriate for: Self love and love for others, focusing on our intimate and work relationships, helping someone, socializing, beauty procedures and purchases, luxury
  • Colors to wear: Pink, Light Blue

Saturdaytime for discipline  

  • Ruled by: Saturn (Capricorn, Aquarius)
  • Appropriate for: Taking disciplined action, working hard on your long term goals, taking rational decisions, thinking about the future and planning around it, making stable changes, working on your fears
  • Colors to wear: Violet, Brown, Black

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