New Moon in Leo – What Kind of Life Do I Want to Create?

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This new moon is happening on August 8th 13:49 GMT in 16 degrees 13 mins Leo. Today is also the so called annual 08.08 Lion’s Gate portal – the day in the year when our Sun aligns with the fixed star Sirius, which is considered our spiritual Sun – the Sun around which our entire solar system rotates. Imagine it as the higher consciousness of our own Sun. What this portal gives us is the chance to create our own destiny – it’s a fantastic time for manifestation rituals, to decide on exactly what we want out of life and to act towards it. This year, this day is even stronger energetically because we have the New Moon in Leo happening at the same time, meaning both the Sun and Moon will be conjunct the Sirius point.

What does this mean? A new beginning, big time. As long as we are in tune with the energies, we will all feel it one way or another, depending on where this event fits in our own charts and what aspects it makes to our personal planets, angles and prognostics pressure points. Events and information unfolding within the next week will shape our lives for the next 6-12 months, at least until the Full Moon in Leo during the next Aquarius season in the beginning of 2022.

This is one of the strongest New Moons of the year by default, because it’s happening in Leo and its ruler is the Sun, which is of course in rulership. Use this time to dream about your best life! It will be felt most strongly by people who have personal pressure points between 10-20 degrees in Leo, Aquarius, Taurus and Scorpio. Bear in mind this includes transits, progressions, solar arc directions, midpoints and connections to your profection lord for the year. For more personalized information, do not hesitate to contact me for a reading!

The more interesting aspects this New Moon is involved in:

  • Separating square to Uranus in Taurus – separating aspects usually indicate something from the past that we’re seeing the aftermath of – we might feel inner pressure to radically change the structures of our lives (Uranus in Taurus), but this will be a cold hearted rational and very helpful process. Let’s not forget Uranus is the higher octave of Mercury. Speaking of the devil:
  • Wide conjunction to Mercury in Leo – this one is applying so I would definitely take it into account, especially considering Mercury rules Gemini and Virgo. The Mercurian energy makes this New Moon a lot more mentally charged than we would expect from the impulsive active sign of Leo, but that’s definitely a good thing. It also supercharges the event too – right now we have the North Node transiting Gemini, and Mars and Venus transiting Virgo – thanks to that Mercury aspect those will all be involved in the situations that arise today and during the next week too. We can draw from many different energies and receive help we weren’t even counting on.
  • Wide opposition to Saturn Rx in Aquarius – we already mentioned the New Moon square to Uranus. It rules over Aquarius which is also strengthened by Saturn and Jupiter transiting it in retrograde. It’s also notable that the Sun and Moon are in a Sagittarius decan and the decan ruler Jupiter is one of the Aquarian players right now. We are receiving valuable insight and help from most of the planets in the sky right now. If you get any intuitive messages, please consider writing them down, meditating on them or doing any type of spiritual practice to boost your energy and take your life a step further!

Here’s a quick recap of what we could expect by Sun/Rising signs within the next 5 months:*

Aries – 5th house – creating a new project or business, or developing an existing one, thinking about having children or improving your relationship with your kids, or changing your mind about whether or not you want kids. Working on your projects and creative talent, putting yourself on the stage, being creative and expressive.

Taurus – 4th house – changes related to your house and home, the way you view your family and mother, real estate changes – buying or selling a place, the way you feel by yourself and on your own – are you at peace? What do you need to be at peace? Where do you feel cozy and comfortable?

Gemini – 3rd house – the way you communicate, how you approach people and how they feel about your communication style might change, or you might feel the need to be more authoritative in specific situations. If you have a creative career this is a fantastic time to write, speak or publish a book. Your relationship with neighbours and siblings might be important too. You might have the opportunity to travel short distance more often.

Cancer – 2nd house – are you happy with your self worth and self esteem or would you like to improve it? How do you evaluate yourself and the world around you? You might reconsider your approach to abundance, or receive new income opportunities. It’s a great time to re-evaluate your talents and monetize them.

Leo – 1st house – this is a big one for you Leos, you are the absolute stars of the show which is a role you feel so comfortabe in! Let yourself shine! 🙂 Ask yourself who do you want to be in your life? What about in 6-12 months? This New Moon will give you opportunities to change your image, your body, to start a major life altering project or to start seeing yourself in a completely new way.

Virgo – 12th house – if any of you are hoping to travel to distant places within the next 6 months, I believe you’ll have the chance despite any local or global restrictions. The New Moon is squaring Uranus in your 9th house – you might be stressed out by the current circumstances but the New Moon is stronger by dignity and things will clear out for you. It’s a good time for spiritual practices, rest and vacation if you can afford it, and creating something artsy for the sake of art and letting go.

Libra – 11th house – your friendships might change or become stronger, or you might make new friends in different areas of your life. New people might enter your life who will support your goals and dreams. You might become more popular around social media or in your social circles around this time. It’s a great period for publicity.

Scorpio – 10th house – your career might take you to the next level or become even more of a focus for you over the next 6 months! You might also get married or otherwise change your social status or give birth, for example. This is the area of your life where you can give and receive your maximum so dream big!

Sagittarius – 9th house – you might feel more spiritually aligned with your higher purpose, or you might receive valuable insights through your faith and intuition. You could meet someone from a foreign land, travel, or start studying a new language, for example. If you’re considering starting or working on your higher education or spiritual knowledge, this is a great time to do that!

Capricorn – 8th house – you can expect developments in your business, changes in situations relating to your closest people’s money, a new outlook towards your own sexuality, or sudden and helpful inner transformations. It’s a great time to start working with a therapist, for example, or to work on your fears. It’s also a great time to find sponsors or request a bank loan if your business requires you to do so, you’ll definitely get it.

Aquarius – 7th house – you can expect changes and energetic shifts in your love life, personal and business partnerships. You might meet someone significant at this time, or take an existing relationship to the next level. If any triggers arise around this time – remember those are parts of yourself reflected by other people. Take them as an opportunity to get to know and accept yourself a little better.

Pisces – 6th house – you might feel the need to change your routines, your day-to-day life and how you approach your health. Take this time to work on your physical and mental health and the results will be better than expected! Now is the time to quit any unhealthy habits that you’ve been wanting to kick for a while. It’s also a great period to get a pet if you have always wanted to, or to spend more time with your pets in case you already have any.

*Bear in mind these are general predictions including all potential areas in your life that might be affected! The specific events and energies depend on your particular natal chart and all prognostic methods that need to be read in detail before an accurate prediction is made. For more personalized information, do not hesitate to contact me for a reading!

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