New Moon in Virgo – How To Manifest Your Dreams Now?

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The Astrology of the New Moon

This potent and beautifully energized New Moon will happen on September 7th at 00:51 GMT in 14 degrees 37 minutes in the sign of Virgo. It will powerfully activate the Virgo – Pisces axis of service. The New Moon is in the 14th degree, which places is in a Capricorn decan. This makes Saturn the secondary ruler of the New Moon.

The New Moon is primarily ruled by Mercury, which is tranisitng Libra where it has strength by triplicity and it’s trining Saturn. Saturn is in rulership in Aquarius and it’s quite strong, be it retrograde. In addition, Venus which rules Libra is currently in ownership in its own sign and trining Jupiter in Aquarius. Those two placements make this New Moon quite mentally charged, but also oriented towards relationships (within us and with others), societal topics and communities. We will have many options in the following moon cycle (28 days) and within the next 6 months until the Full Moon in Virgo during Pisces season, to build stable foundations for the life we want to create for ourselves, especially in the area in our chart where Virgo is.

The most important aspects of the Sun and Moon at the time of their conjunction are:
trine to Uranus in Taurus – this supportive aspect will show us what structures we want to let go of, and what we actually want to build
opposition to Neptune in Pisces – this tense aspect will illuminate what we actually dream of in opposition to what we think we practically should do. We can use this fantastic time to bring those two together, and to build our everyday life around our dreams

It will be most intensely felt by those of us who have personal planets or angles around 10-20 degrees in the mutable signs – Virgo, Pisces, Gemini or Sagittarius. Bear in mind this includes transits, progressions, solar arc directions, midpoints and connections to your profection lord for the year. For more personalized information, do not hesitate to contact me for a reading!

Why Is This Time Perfect for Manifesting Our Dreams?

Manifesting is the process of dreaming or wanting or needing something, asking for it, then letting it go to the Universe and receiving it. It’s something we do every day for every little thing in our lives without being conscious about it. It is based on the basic governing law of the universe, which is the Law of Attraction – you attract more of what you ARE.

If you want to be conscious about this and manifest what you want deliberately, you need to focus on creating the energy of having it around you, believing it’s possible and that you deserve it, and then having faith it will come to you. Does it mean you sit back and do nothing? Absolutely not. Most of the times the Universe will help you by calling you to action. You will receive help on the way to getting the thing you want, but many times this help will come in the form of inspiration to act or think or feel a certain way, which brings you closer to what you want vibrationally. For example, if you want to manifest being fit, you need to follow your inner guidance system which will talk to you about when and what you would like to work out, what your body needs to eat to be healthy, maybe you will meet a sports instructor randomly who gives you amazing tips, or a friend of yours will ask you to go play a game together – whatever happens, there’s a high chance you’ll be prompted to take action.

How does this play out with this New Moon? It’s a good idea to do manifestation techniques around New Moons because astrologically this is the time when we plant the seeds for our future gains. Virgo is a practical sign which governs our everyday routine lives, how organized our mind is (it’s ruled by Mercury) and how stable we are in our lives. The opposition to Neptune in Pisces links those processes to our deepest desires and biggest dreams, and it illuminates them for us to realize and bring into focus. The trine to Uranus in Taurus can make this process disruptive, chaotic or it could make us impatient in our desire to radically change our lives NOW. Uranus, which is the modern ruler of Aquarius, is associated with our long term goals (including practical dreams) as well.

How To Manifest Your Dreams On this New Moon?

When it comes to manifesting your desires, pretty much any trick, ritual or technique you use will work, provided you pour the right energy into it. Some people prefer to journal, others speak their desires into existence or they pray or meditate, for example. There are also complex manifestation methods that also work as long as you believe in them. Anything will work provided you 1. Believe you deserve what you want, and 2. Believe it’s possible to manifest it. The topic of manifestations is a very broad and deep one, and I will cover my thoughts and experience on it in another article.

Let’s jump into the 2 best techniques that will be most in line with the New Moon in Virgo energy*:

  • Manifest what you want for someone else
    Why? In this Universe on a higher (Pisces) level, we are all one. Helping someone else get what they want, you’re actually helping yourself get what you want. It’s not a coincidence that Virgo-Pisces is associated with sacrifice as well as remedies. In addition, thanks to the Law of Attraction, if you help someone, you’ll receive help yourself too.
    How? Donate your time, resources or energy to help someone get what they want. Bonus points if it’s the same thing you want.
    Example: If you want a new relationship, set up your friends who also want a relationship if you think they’d be a good match to each other. If you need more abunance, donate money to someone in need, even if it’s a small amount if that’s all you can afford. Do this with an open heart and with love for others.
  • Make your dreams practical to see them as achievable – plan them out
    Why? Dreams are associated with the Pisces archetype, which as opposition to the earthy Virgo can make them seem out of reach for being so distant and unclear or non-practical. Or, you might believe they’re impossible to actually manifest. Or, you might not be clear on exactly what you want.
    How? Want something that seems hard to get? Go full Virgo on it and outline a practical plan on how to achieve it, no matter how difficult it seems.
    Example: Say you want to become a successful singer and you have never singed in your life before. If this dream becomes your actual goal today, how would you practically go about it? Maybe you will sign up for singing lessons, then you’ll plan going on auditions for singing shows, or you’ll start a youtube channel where you do song covers and you’ll save up to promote yourself. Go insanely practical on your dream and this will put it into perspective and show you that anything is possible as long as you dedicate your time and energy on it daily (the Virgo archetype).

    *You can use these techniques at any time, but they will be exceptionally potent around this time.

Which Area of Your Life Will Be Most Productive To Focus On

In brief, this is the area that will be most affected by this New Moon for your Sun and Rising sign:

Aries – 6th house – your routines, your day-to-day life and how you approach your health

Taurus – 5th house – creating an art project or business, or developing an existing one, your relationship to your inner child and children, self love and romantic relationships

Gemini – 4th house – your house and home, the way you view your family and mother, real estate, the way you feel by yourself and on your own

Cancer – 3rd house – the way you communicate and think, how you approach people and how they feel about your communication style, short distance travel, relationships with siblings

Leo – 2nd house – self worth and self esteem, abundance and money, your possessions and income

Virgo – 1st house – how other perceive you to be, who you believe you are, your body, your sense of self and personality

Libra – 12th house – dreams, illusions, long distance travels, spiritual development, creating art, faith and beliefs

Scorpio – 11th house – friendships, long term goals, publicity, social circles, social media, communities

Sagittarius – 10th house – career, highest potential of the chart, social status, public presence

Capricorn – 9th house – your luck, spiritual beliefs, higher education, languages, foreigners

Aquarius – 8th house – sex, intimate relationships, transformation, deep psychology, other people’s money

Pisces – 7th house – relationships, partnerships (personal and business), the parts of you that are in the shadows

*Bear in mind these are general lists including some potential areas in your life that might be affected! The specific events and energies depend on your particular natal chart and all prognostic methods that need to be read in detail before an accurate prediction is made. For more personalized information, do not hesitate to contact me for a reading!

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