New Moon in Libra conjunct Mars – Fighting for Justice

New moon in libra conjunct Mars blog poster

The Astrology of the New Moon

This explosive New Moon will happen on October 6th 2021 at 12:05 GMT in 13 degrees 24 minutes in the sign of Libra. The New Moon is in the 13th cardinal degree, which also places is in an Aquarian decan. This makes Venus the primary ruler, and Saturn and Uranus the secondary rulers of the New Moon. The New Moon is in a tight conjunction with Mars in Libra, and in orb with Mercury Rx in Libra, which makes it a lot more powerful.

What does this all mean?

  • A New Moon is typically a new beginning of a 28-day lunar cycle, another 6-month lunar cycle (until the Full Moon in the same sign) both on world events level, and on personal level. When the New Moon is in a cardinal sign it carries the energy of that sign and it signifies cardinal events. Cardinal signs are associated with major beginningsthey signify the beginning of each season (0 degrees Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricon start the 4 seasons with the equinoxes and the solstices in the Northern hemisphere) and they are considered pressure points for major events in mundane astrology. If you want a major change in your life, now is the time to set the intention and start working on it!
  • In Libra, on a larger scale the New Moon is related to how we view justice, opposing points of view in society and the need to bring them together, value systems, the law and justice systems. On a personal level, it would speak about what you believe is just, what needs you have within relationships, and how others reflect your qualities back to you. Libra appreciates beauty, equality, partnerships and connections. It also signifies the signing of contracts or law cases, or quite literally the introduction of new laws or rules. We can expect any of those matters popping up in our lives or in society to be resolved within the next 1-6 months. In this case, within the next coupe of years, because Mars is conjunct the New Moon.

Major aspects of the New Moon and what will they bring?

  • The primary ruler of the New Moon Venus is in Scorpio in mutual reception with Mars in Libra. When two planets are in each other’s signs they usually support each other, but Mars and Venus are both in detriment in those positions because they rule opposing signs and energies. This means they are both weak, and on mundane level the events that will happen will probably be on the negative scale when it comes to restrictions, protests, fights for justice from opposing points of view, new rules and injust decisions.
  • Mars begins its new cycle with the Sun on the New Moon in the same cardinal degree. By one of the degree theories I work with, 13th degree is ruled by Mars and Aries, which puts Mars in a stronger position despite being in detriment in Libra. Mars is our driving energy force – it’s how we fight and it shows what we would fight for. In Libra, Mars fights for justice, equality, fairness. It fights for others and for relationships, often because it can’t see the parts within itself that need help too.
  • Mercury rx in Libra is in a wide conjunction with the New Moon and Mars as well. It might bring miscommunication issues between two opposing sides. It’s important to listen to each other and respect each other, especially if we have different opinions. On a personal level, it might help you revise or reevaluate your relationships, the areas in your chart ruled by Venus, the areas ruled by Mars, Mercury and the Sun and Moon as well. As you can see this is a major event because it connects many different areas of our lives.

What Should You Do?

  1. Stand up for what you believe in when it comes to your relationships, but do it with respect and fairness in mind. Don’t forget when it comes to a higher perspective we are all one – fighting fr others’ rights is actually fighting for parts of ourselves. Being judgemental or deceitful towards others is actually us being judgemental and deceitful to ourselves. Be open to points of view different than your own.
  2. Set intentions to manifest new or improved relationships, partnerships, contracts, beauty in your life.
  3. If you find the energies difficult to handle, as a remedy use beautiful pink (libra) candles (mars, sun) and when you light them up put them in a bowl or a plate with water in it (moon), alternatively keep a moonstone next to it.
  4. Be careful and avoid miscommunication and passive agression which is the hallmark of Mercury rx and Mars in Libra.

Which Area of Your Life Will Be Affected:

It will be most intensely felt by those of us who have personal planets or angles around 7-20 degrees in the cardinal signs – Aries, Libra, Cancer, Capricorn. Bear in mind this includes transits, progressions, solar arc directions, midpoints and connections to your profection lord for the year. For more personalized information, do not hesitate to contact me for a reading!

This is a major New Moon due to the Mars and Mercury conjunctions, so it will affect most areas of our lives. In brief, this is the area that will be most affected by this New Moon for your Sun and Rising sign as per the whole sign system:

Aries – 7th house – relationships, partnerships (personal and business), the parts of you that are in the shadows

Taurus – 6th house – your routines, your day-to-day life and how you approach your health

Gemini – 5th house – creating an art project or business, or developing an existing one, your relationship to your inner child and children, self love and romantic relationships

Cancer – 4th house – your house and home, the way you view your family and mother, real estate, the way you feel by yourself and on your own

Leo – 3rd house – the way you communicate and think, how you approach people and how they feel about your communication style, short distance travel, relationships with siblings

Virgo – 2nd house – self worth and self esteem, abundance and money, your possessions and income

Libra – 1st house – how other perceive you to be, who you believe you are, your body, your sense of self and personality

Scorpio – 12th house – dreams, illusions, long distance travels, spiritual development, creating art, faith and beliefs

Sagittarius – 11th house – friendships, long term goals, publicity, social circles, social media, communities

Capricorn – 10th house – career, highest potential of the chart, social status, public presence

Aquarius – 9th house – your luck, spiritual beliefs, higher education, languages, foreigners y

Pisces – 8th house – sex, intimate relationships, transformation, deep psychology, other people’s money

*Bear in mind these are general lists including some potential areas in your life that might be affected! The specific events and energies depend on your particular natal chart and all prognostic methods that need to be read in detail before an accurate prediction is made. For more personalized information, do not hesitate to contact me for a reading!

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