Full Moon in Aries – Beginnings and Endings

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The Astrology of the Full Moon

The Full Moon in Aries is happening on the 20th October 2021 at 14:56 GMT. It will culminate a cycle which started 6 months ago during the New Moon in Aries. The Sun in Libra and the Moon in Aries will be in the 27th degree, which places them in Gemini-Sagittarius decans respectively. This is the reason why the lunar nodes will get activated and karmically triggered by this Full Moon as well – they are currently transiting Gemini-Sagittarius.

The ruler of the Full Moon Mars is in conjunction with the Sun, therefore in opposition to the Moon. The rulers of the decans Mercury and Jupiter have just stationed direct after being retrograde.

There is a lot of pent up energy bursting up right now and in the upcoming couple of weeks that will be illuminated by the Full Moon.

What Does This All Mean?

  • Aries is all about beginnings – it’s the first sign of the zodiac, it signifies the soul as a baby – the pure ego. Its cardinal energy pushes things forward, comes up with new ideas and starts major cycles in our lives. A full moon, however, is all about culmination, completion and letting go – endings. What have you started that you might want to let go of before it even takes off? This one is also happening in the 27th degree of the sign, towards the end. So we need to combine our need for new-ness with our need for endings and release. This is a huge sign from the universe that in order to bring in the new, we need to let go of the old. The Gemini – Sagittarius decan indicates we can do this through communication, openness, by being true to ourselves and real with others.
  • The Sun in Libra will require for this process to go with consideration for others. We need to be ourselves, but be assertive in a way that doesn’t hurt the other person. We need to be connected while being individuals. This isn’t an easy process.
  • Mars as a ruler of the event is still in detriment in Libra, also in opposition to the Moon and about to square Pluto – do we tend to take actions that oppose our emotional truth? Is Pluto clouding our emotions and actions and making them too erratic? Are we too suspicious? How could that harm us? Mars’ current ruler Venus is transiting Sagittarius but it’s in an Aries decan. What are we trying to teach someone else, and are we helpful or selfish about it?
  • Jupiter, the Full Moon decan ruler, just got out of its retrograde period and it gained additional strength by term, while it’s also trining the Sun and sextiling the Moon during the Full Moon. A lot of energy that has been suppressed in the past 4-5 months is getting activated. In Aquarius, it might talk about how you view freedom and equality, but also responsibility. Jupiter will help with those aspects and it will make us more aware. More in the know.
  • Mercury, the Sun decan ruler also got out of a retrograde period and it’s applying a sextile to Venus and separating trine to Saturn. We came back close to reviewing past responsibilities and now we get to reap the rewards of our efforts to be better communicators and better partners.

What Should You Do?

  1. Full Moons are about cleansing and letting go. It’s a great time to release what no longer serves you. Write down a list of what’s bothering you in your life, especially regarding your own ego and how you assert yourself in the world, and how your partnerships and relationships develop, and then burn the paper.
  2. Do a meditation that frees you – if you feel negatively connected to someone, do a cutting cords meditation. If you feel overwhelmed, do a relaxing meditation.
  3. Light up a candle and while looking at the flame visualize it cleansing your body.
  4. Do a cleanse or at least drink more fluids and eat clean foods – our bodies are more sensitive around this time, especially when the Full Moon is in Aries.

Which Area of Your Life Will Be Affected:

It will be most intensely felt by those of us who have personal planets or angles around 20-30 degrees in the cardinal signs – Aries, Libra, Cancer, Capricorn. Bear in mind this includes transits, progressions, solar arc directions, midpoints and connections to your profection lord for the year. For more personalized information, do not hesitate to contact me for a reading!  In brief, this is the area that will be most affected by this Full Moon for your Sun and Rising sign as per the whole sign system:

Aries – 1st house – how other perceive you to be, who you believe you are, your body, your sense of self and personality

Taurus – 12th house – dreams, illusions, long distance travels, spiritual development, creating art, faith and beliefs

Gemini – 11th house – friendships, long term goals, publicity, social circles, social media, communities

Cancer – 10th house – career, highest potential of the chart, social status, public presence

Leo – 9th house – your luck, spiritual beliefs, higher education, languages, foreigners

Virgo – 8th house – sex, intimate relationships, transformation, deep psychology, other people’s money

Libra – 7th house – relationships, partnerships (personal and business), the parts of you that are in the shadows

Scorpio – 6th house – your routines, your day-to-day life and how you approach your health

Sagittarius – 5th house – creating an art project or business, or developing an existing one, your relationship to your inner child and children, self love and romantic relationships

Capricorn – 4th house – your house and home, the way you view your family and mother, real estate, the way you feel by yourself and on your own

Aquarius – 3rd house – the way you communicate and think, how you approach people and how they feel about your communication style, short distance travel, relationships with siblings

Pisces – 2nd house – self worth and self esteem, abundance and money, your possessions and income

*Bear in mind these are general lists including some potential areas in your life that might be affected! The specific events and energies depend on your particular natal chart and all prognostic methods that need to be read in detail before an accurate prediction is made. For more personalized information, do not hesitate to contact me for a reading!

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