New Moon in Scorpio – What Are You Hiding?

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The Astrology of the New Moon

The New Moon is happening on 4 November 2021 – 21:14 GMT in 12°39’ Scorpio. It starts a new 6-month cycle in the fixed axis of possessions Taurus-Scorpio. The primary rulers of the New Moon are Mars and Pluto. The New Moon is happening in a Pisces decan, which makes Jupiter and Neptune its secondary rulers.

The New Moon (the Sun conjuncting the Moon) is in a tense T-square aspect – it’s in an applying exact opposition to Uranus rx in Taurus (almost to the minute! Uranus is on 12°47’), and squaring Saturn in Aquarius.

The ruler Mars is also in Scorpio in an applying square to Saturn. The fixed cross signs are powerfully activated – Taurus, Scorpio, Leo and Aquarius. The other ruler of Scorpio – Pluto, is currently direct in its post-retrograde shadow phase in Capricorn.

What Does This Mean?

  • A New Moon is typically a new beginning of a 28-day lunar cycle, another 6-month lunar cycle (until the Full Moon in the same sign) both on world events level, and on personal level. In this case the New Moon will be even more prominent, because the lunar nodes are about to switch signs into Taurus and Scorpio in the beginning of 2022 marking the solar and lunar eclipses for the next year and a half. Take this as a powerful new beginnig in the area of your chart and for the planets in your chart that the New Moon touches on – for your natal chart, solar return chart, progressions chart and solar arc chart.
  • Scorpio is about possessions, addiction, depth, analysis, death and rebirth, psychology and psychic abilities, sexuality, secrets, hidden aspects of us and others, the underworld. It’s fixed water but it’s ruled by a Fire planet (Mars) – think about a warm deep swamp. Anything could be below the surface and you need to dive deep to find out.
  • That’s how you need to treat your issues and dreams at this time. Scorpio is about wanting to possess – whether it’s material subjects or people, feelings, psychological or spiritual resources. A New Moon in a fixed sign usually talks about a new beginning and change in an area of our lives where we feel change as painful, where we like to feel grounded. Fixed signs like stability and feel threatened by change.
  • How do you get a swamp to renew its water? Earthquake. The New Moon is in exact opposition to Uranus (shake ups, the new, the unexpected) in Taurus (fixed earth). Both are also squared by Saturn in Aquarius which is ruled by Uranus (restrictions vs freedom). What Uranus does in Taurus is literally shake the earth under our feet to get us to move forward into the future. Not to mention it’s currently retrograde and digging up issues from the past 6 months to a year. Where are you stuck? The way to un-stuck yourself before you get pushed from the outside is to dive deep into your psyche and figure yourself out. Do you know what you want and why?
  • Notice that both rulers of Aquarius are aspecting the New Moon. Within the next 6 months, on a collective level we can expect shake ups when it comes to the financial system (huge ups and downs, especially for new age currencies such as crypto), earthquakes in certain areas, secrets regarding plans for the future coming to the surface.
  • The Pisces decan talks about possible floods, considering Neptune is currently rx in Pisces. Before you despair – bear in mind the aspects always manifest on the lowest possible level for society, because the Universe aims at collective expansion.
  • On a personal level, this New Moon can actually help you a lot. You might find out secrets for yourself or for others that will help you piece together the pizzle in your head that you have been trying to crack for the past 6 months.

What Should You Do?

  1. New Moons are about beginnings – write down a list of what you want for yourself within the next 6 months, especially in the area of your life listed below by Rising/Sun sign. Go deep into the psychological reasons why you want these things. If you want a relationship, for example, what do you truly want? It’s not exactly a relationship. You want connection or to feel understood, or to feel loved, or to feel significant. Be really honest to yourself without judgement.
  2. Shadow work – Write down a list of what you want to achieve (dreams and goals, especially possessions). Instead of trying to manifest them as usual, this time do shadow work beforehand. Say you want a new house, for example – write down the aspects of you that don’t really want it. Truly try to understand yourself and your resistance, respect the aspects of yourself that are not on board with what the rest of you wants. Work with your resistance instead of against it.
  3. Be honest – don’t lie and avoid keeping secrets – they will come out around the next full moon in Scorpio in 6 months.
  4. Be wise and quick when it comes to your investments – especially if you are trading Crypto. Think of ways to diversify your portfolio in the next 6 months.
  5. Therapy – it’s a fantastic time for any therapy sessions or astrological, tarot, psychic consultations.
  6. Sexuality – embrace your sexuality, experiment if you feel called to, work on feeling comfortable with your needs, desires and body.
  7. Acceptance – Scorpio is also about death. If you feel different and a part of yourself is gone, let it go. Change is inevitable and much needed.

Which Area of Your Life Will Be Affected:

It will be most intensely felt by those of us who have personal planets or angles around 5-20 degrees in the fixed signs – Scorpio, Taurus, Leo, Aquarius. Bear in mind this includes transits, progressions, solar arc directions, midpoints and connections to your profection lord for the year. For more personalized information, do not hesitate to contact me for a reading!  In brief, this is the area that will be most affected by this New Moon for your Sun and Rising sign as per the whole sign system:

Aries – 8th house – sex, intimate relationships, transformation, deep psychology, loans and credits, other people’s money

Taurus – 7th house – relationships, partnerships (personal and business), the parts of you that are in the shadows, contracts and agreements, legal cases

Gemini – 6th house – your routines, your day-to-day life and how you approach your health, pets and small animals, condition of the physical and emotional body

Cancer – 5th house – creating an art project or business, or developing an existing one, your relationship to your children and inner child, self love and romantic relationships, dating, gambling

Leo – 4th house – your house and home, the way you view your family and mother, real estate, the way you feel by yourself and on your own, your relationship with food

Virgo – 3rd house – the way you communicate and think, how you approach people and how they feel about your communication style, short distance travel and cars, relationships with siblings, education

Libra – 2nd house – self worth and self esteem, abundance and money, your material possessions and income, comfort and comfort zone

Scorpio – 1st house – how other perceive you to be, who you believe you are, your body, your sense of self and personality, the way you look, appearance

Sagittarius – 12th house – dreams, illusions, long distance travels overseas, spiritual development, creating art, faith and beliefs, endings

Capricorn – 11th house – friendships, long term goals, publicity, social circles, social media, communities, internet presence, the future

Aquarius – 10th house – career and work, highest potential of the chart, social status, public presence, relationship with the father

Pisces – 9th house – your luck, spiritual beliefs, higher education, languages, foreigners, spiritual courses, expansion of the mind, faith, long distance travel

*Bear in mind these are general lists including some potential areas in your life that might be affected! The specific events and energies depend on your particular natal chart and all prognostic methods that need to be read in detail before an accurate prediction is made. For more personalized information, do not hesitate to contact me for a reading!

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