Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Taurus – Defining Ownership

Full moon and lunar eclipse in taurus blog poster

The Astrology of the Eclipse

The Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Taurus is happening on November 19th 2021 at 08:57 GMT in 27°14’ in the sign of Taurus, and the constellation of Taurus. This means we have a match of the energies from the point of view of Western astrology that places signs according to the flow of the seasons – following the solstices and equinoxes in the Northern hemisphere, and the point of view of Vedic atstrology, which is mathematically accurate – as above, so below. We will focus more on that in another article. There is a lot to unpack with this eclipse so let’s dig in.

The eclipse will powerfully activate the axis of possessions – Taurus-Scorpio. It’s happening in the 27th degree, which places it in a Capricorn decan. The primary ruler of the eclipse is Venus which is currently transiting Capricorn. This means the ruler of the dispositor and the ruler of the decan is Saturn.

The eclipse is in a square to Jupiter in Aquarius, in a wide opposition to Mercury in Scorpio, and in a tight applying conjunction to the North Node. Most importantly, the moon will be conjunct the malefic fixed star Algol.

What Does This Mean?

  • The winter eclipse season is here! The ‘eclipse corridor’ is the period between the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Taurus on November 19th 2021 and the New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius on December 4th 2021. The eclipse corridor period is a turbulent time for the world and for those of us who have personal planets or angles around the degrees of the eclipse. Depending on our personal charts and prognostic methods, some of us will feel this more strongly than others, some of us might not feel it at all, same as with every cosmic event.
  • Full moons and lunar eclipses usually bring closures and endings to the area of our lives they appear in. Think of something that started 6 months ago – it might be culminating or ending now. This eclipse, however, is quite special and it also signifies a major beginning marking a period of a year and a half ahead. It marks the beginning of the eclipses on the Taurus-Scorpio axis. Our past and future will overlap.
  • The eclipses always follow one specific axis for about a year and a half exactly where the lunar nodes are transiting. The nodes are currently still in Gemini – Sag, so a cycle that started there a year and a half ago is being completed with the next eclipse in Sagittarius. It will happen on December 4th and it will close the cycle that started in 2019. This lunar eclipse happening now in Taurus is the one that marks the beginning of the new 18-month period until mid-2023.
  • Taurus is about physical possessions, so it’s highly likely we will now witness the material manifestations of our goals and projects we have started 6 months ago. We might also get new ideas for the future, especially when it comes to material gains and comfort. Let’s not forget Uranus is transiting Taurus and it shakes up the status quo – what we decide we want might be unusual or eccentric.
  • Ruler Venus usually spends about a month in each sign, but this time it will stay in Capricorn for about 4 months in total due to its upcoming retrograde period which makes it quite Saturnian in nature. I’ll write a separate article about it. The events following the eclipse might be fully completed once Venus ends its transit in Capricorn which will happen in the beginning of March 2022. Venus is also currently out of bound, which means it has uranian qualities and it’s acting rebellious.
  • Square to Jupiter and opposition to Mercury – our thoughts might be more hectic and depressive than usual, we might feel like luck is not on our side. On a positive note, those of us who channel the energies positively might benefit from being a part of a community (Jupiter is in Aquarius!).
  • Conjuncting Algol and mundane astrology – from mundane point of view the eclipse does not look positive – the fixed star Algol is associated with destruction. Since Taurus rules possesions and the material world, and the moon is squaring Jupiter and in a wide conjunction to Uranus, we can expect shortages of specific products, back-and-forth development when it comes to the stability of financial systems, especially new age assets, and instability of the earth itself (earthquakes). Bear in mind these predictions will be valid while the nodes transit Taurus-Scorpio which will happen between Dec 23, 2021 and Jul 12, 2023.

What Should You Do?

  • Taurus is a fixed and stubborn sign, and the eclipse might hide a piece of information from us or reveal details we wouldn’t want to know. In any case, escapism is prominent here, especially considering Neptune in Pisces is sextiling the eclipse. Don’t forget you need to let go of what doesn’t serve you, in order to welcome the new. Finish the book before starting a new chapter 🙂
  • Some cryptocurrencies might peak on and around November 19th. Whatever happens, it will be turbulent. Follow your assets closely.
  • Identify what you want when it comes to your physical security, safety and financial stability. Think long term – within the next year and a half. Identify your needs and dreams regarding the area of your chart ruled by Taurus (list per signs below). I don’t recommend doing manifestation techniques now – leave them for the lunations after the eclipses.
  • It’s a great idea to take good care of your physical body around the eclipse, it might feel more strained than usual – take baths, get a massage, do yoga, do body-anchoring meditations. It’s a good time to cleanse your body too so any cleansing rituals and diets on and around the 19th will serve you well.

Which Area of Your Life Will Be Affected:

The eclipse will be most intensely felt by those of us who have personal planets or angles around 20-30 degrees in the fixed signs – Taurus, Scorpio, Leo and Aquarius. Bear in mind this includes transits, progressions, solar arc directions, midpoints and connections to your profection lord for the year. For more personalized information, do not hesitate to contact me for a reading! In brief, this is the area that will be most affected by this Full Moon for your Sun and Rising sign as per the whole sign system:

Aries – 2nd house – self worth and self esteem, abundance and money, your material possessions and income, comfort and comfort zone

Taurus –  1st house – how other perceive you to be, who you believe you are, your body, your sense of self and personality, the way you look, appearance

Gemini – 12th house – dreams, illusions, long distance travels overseas, spiritual development, creating art, faith and beliefs, endings

Cancer – 11th house – friendships, long term goals, publicity, social circles, social media, communities, internet presence, the future

Leo – 10th house – career and work, highest potential of the chart, social status, public presence, gambling and risk, relationship with the father

Virgo – 9th house – your luck, spiritual beliefs, higher education, languages, foreigners, spiritual courses, expansion of the mind, faith, long distance travel

Libra – 8th house – sex, intimate relationships, transformation, deep psychology, loans and credits, other people’s money

Scorpio – 7th house – relationships, partnerships (personal and business), the parts of you that are in the shadows, contracts and agreements, legal cases

Sagittarius – 6th house – your routines, your day-to-day life and how you approach your health, pets and small animals, condition of the physical and emotional body

Capricorn – 5th house – creating an art project or business, or developing an existing one, your relationship to your children and inner child, self love and romantic relationships, dating, gambling

Aquarius – 4th house – your house and home, the way you view your family and mother, real estate, the way you feel by yourself and on your own, your relationship with food

Pisces – 3rd house – the way you communicate and think, how you approach people and how they feel about your communication style, short distance travel and cars, relationships with siblings, education

*Bear in mind these are general lists including some potential areas in your life that might be affected! The specific events and energies depend on your particular natal chart and all prognostic methods that need to be read in detail before an accurate prediction is made. For more personalized information, do not hesitate to contact me for a reading!

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