Full Moon in Aquarius – Focusing on the Future While Dealing with the Past

This full moon is happening on July 24th 2:36 AM GMT in 1 degree 25 mins Aquarius. You may remember this is almost an exact conjunction to the point where Saturn and Jupiter met. This full Moon will act as a trigger and illuminate issues related to their conjunction. It will bring up topics related …

The Hidden Treasures of the 12th House. Example Chart – Selena Gomez

There’s a lot online (and in books) about the malefic side of the 12th house in astrology so I’d like to shift my focus towards the positives. You know it’s typically associated with loneliness, isolation, betrayals, lies, deception and addictions. It can be all that at certain times, and depending on particular placements and aspects. …

Is Popular Astrology Doing More Damage Than Good?

Astrology truly is an invaluable spiritual and practical tool. In my opinion it’s becoming more and more popular not only because it’s a ‘trend’ but also due to the nature of the 5D and the Age of Aquarius (we’ll discuss this in detail in another article). More and more people chase after spiritual development trying …

A Practical Example of a Remedy for a 4-Planet Configuration

Example: Uranus and Neptune conjunct in Capricorn (5th house) squared by Mars and Jupiter conjunct in Libra (2nd house) As you guys have probably noticed (because I talk about it all the time) I’m very much into remedies. I’ll give you a great example I’m quite proud of that has worked amazingly for me and …