Full Moon in Aquarius – Focusing on the Future While Dealing with the Past

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This full moon is happening on July 24th 2:36 AM GMT in 1 degree 25 mins Aquarius. You may remember this is almost an exact conjunction to the point where Saturn and Jupiter met. This full Moon will act as a trigger and illuminate issues related to their conjunction. It will bring up topics related to personal and societal freedom, changes and a push and pull between institutions and people; self preservation and thoughts for the future.

In the full moon chart the Moon is approaching Saturn and therefore also illuminating its square to Uranus. Those are the two rulers of Aquarius and thus of this full moon so we need to pay extra attention to them! Take note of the areas of your life and issues that pop up related to your sense of self and others, freedom, what you would like to dissolve from the past and take into the future, both on personal and societal level.

As usual with full moons, go back to what happened in your life 6 months ago during the new moon in Aquarius – now we’re getting a completion of a cycle that started then. Whatever needs to leave your life, now is a great time to let it go. With Aquarius and the involved configurations, it’s time to consider your plans and dreams for the future and discard everything in your life that’s in the way. Uranus in Taurus will help you erase stable structures, Saturn Rx will help you revise past situations and rethink where you stand. It might not be a fast or a comfortable process, or you might actually enjoy it, depending on where you are in your spiritual development and what your personal charts have in store for you.

In any case, it’s a beautiful full moon and I encourage you to use this time to think (Aquarius is a very mentally active sign) about the future you wish to see for yourself and for the world. And stand up for what you believe in.

Here’s a quick recap of what we could expect by Sun/Rising signs:

Aries – it’s a great time to let go of plans and dreams that aren’t yours, and connect to your inner self to determine exactly what you want. You are active and firey enough to go through with this process, and Chiron transiting Rx in your sign will help you heal on a deep level! Use this energy to take your dreams from the last 6 months to fruition!

Taurus – use the full moon to rethink how you feel about your mission and career. You might find out about a promotion or a new opportunity that started brewing about 6 months ago. If it works, congrats! If it doesn’t, it’s definitely for the best! Uranus will get even stronger now and it’s transiting your sign and squaring Saturn. Things might get more hectic than usual but trust me, the outcome will be wonderful for you!

Gemini – This full moon is trining your sign beautifully, giving you the opportunity to find resolution in areas related to studying, higher education, foreign travels or connection to foreigners. Your belief system might be shaken up and your logical thinking questioned by new information coming in. Embrace it! Mercury (your ruler) is in Cancer opposite Pluto Rx in Capricorn – don’t be alarmed if you feel too emotional.

Cancer – Let’s start with Mercury that’s currently transiting your sign and which rules Virgo where we have Venus right now – this combined with the Full Moon in your 8th house will help you understand psychological patterns related to your love life and intimate relationships. If you couldn’t see the full picture before and something felt hidden, you will now. Be careful around this period because you might also be prone to being too cautious or suspicious. It’s a great time to work on your fears vs intuition!

Leo – one word – relationships. Who do you want to be by yourself, and who do you want to be with others? How do those two combine? How much freedom and how much self expression do you need in a relationship? Those will be the hot topics during your season which just began! They will be brought up by the full Moon for you to work on. Someone from the past might also come into your life around the full moon because the ruler Saturn is Rx right now!

Virgo – it’s a fantastic time to rethink your routine and daily habits, how you take care of your health and how much you work vs rest! Think about what you want to achieve in your life and link your daily life to those results that you want. Saturn will help you get there through discipline and determination.

Libra – you might work on a creative project that you love, or it might be being completed right now. It’s a great time to make art or create anything you feel called to do. Relax and enjoy the company of a loved one, or show yourself some love. How you take care of your inner child’s needs is a topic that will become heightened right now. Pamper yourself but also be active when it comes to what you want! If you have a business you might hear some news related to it.

Scorpio – the topics heightened for you around the full moon are – your sense of self, what and where you feel your home is, and the place where you live. Do you need more freedom at home in any way? How does the place where you live relate to what you see for yourself in the future? Your rulers are both major players in this chart – Mars is approaching the critical degrees of Leo in its own decan, and Pluto is Rx in Capricorn. Use this energy to empower yourself!

Sagittarius – your thinking and communication style might become an important topic within the next week. Do you feel like you can express yourself freely, or do you feel silenced in a particular area of your life? Do you need more freedom in your relationships with siblings or neighbours? The second ruler of the Full Moon Uranus is transiting your 6th house – where do you want to get in your work and is there an issue related to communication or self expression that you need to fix?

Capricorn – one of your favourite topics is up! You might receive news related to the abundance/money in your life, or you might completely shift your self worth and how you feel about yourself. Your ruler is right next to the Moon too, and let’s not forget Pluto is transiting your sign Rx right now. You might receive money, power or influence from ideas/projects or partnerships you had in the past. Uranus is transiting your 5th house of love life, creative projects and self love – you’ll be called to become more flexible in those areas.

Aquarius – the stars of the show! This Full Moon is hitting your first house and illuminating issues related to your whole life – how do you see yourself, how do people see you? How do you want this to be in the future? Who do you want to be? You might also be reaping the rewards of what you’ve worked on re your image within the past 6 months. This is a very powerful moment for you! Enjoy it!

Pisces – I see a major completion for you Pisces! This Full Moon falls in your 12th house of endings, spiritual development and the unknown – the Moon will illuminate Saturn in your 12th house and show you where you need to let go in order to move on into the future. You might also become aware of some karmic lessons, or you might receive rewards for previous karmic good deeds as well! Be ready for change though!

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