New Moon in Scorpio – What Are You Hiding?

The Astrology of the New Moon The New Moon is happening on 4 November 2021 – 21:14 GMT in 12°39’ Scorpio. It starts a new 6-month cycle in the fixed axis of possessions Taurus-Scorpio. The primary rulers of the New Moon are Mars and Pluto. The New Moon is happening in a Pisces decan, which …

New Moon in Libra conjunct Mars – Fighting for Justice

The Astrology of the New Moon This explosive New Moon will happen on October 6th 2021 at 12:05 GMT in 13 degrees 24 minutes in the sign of Libra. The New Moon is in the 13th cardinal degree, which also places is in an Aquarian decan. This makes Venus the primary ruler, and Saturn and Uranus the secondary rulers of …

Full Moon in Aquarius – Focusing on the Future While Dealing with the Past

This full moon is happening on July 24th 2:36 AM GMT in 1 degree 25 mins Aquarius. You may remember this is almost an exact conjunction to the point where Saturn and Jupiter met. This full Moon will act as a trigger and illuminate issues related to their conjunction. It will bring up topics related …