Unexpected Karmic Events – Lunar Nodes in Aries-Libra (17 July 2023 – 12 Jan 2025)

Lunar nodes in aries - libra blog poster

What Is Happening?

The Lunar Nodes are changing signs from Taurus-Scorpio to Aries-Libra on July 12th 2023 where they will spend the next year and a half and participate in the solar and lunar eclipses in this period. The Nodes move backwards through the horoscope. These are not physical objects in the sky but mathematically calculated points that depend on the position of the Sun and Moon relative to the Earth ecliptic and to each other. The Nodes usually trigger unexpected karmic events, especially around the Solar and Lunar eclipses.

What Are Lunar Nodes in Astrology?

The North Node (Rahu) and the South Node (Ketu) are karmic points that trigger karmic events in our lives, often destined and independent of our current free will. They move together and are always in exact opposition – 180 degrees apart in opposing signs.

The North Node represents the head of a dragon with insatiable hunger – its natal position or transit shows where we can grow, get new experiences, step on our soul path and receive (sometimes “bite more than we can chew”); what qualities we need to develop to step into our mission in this life. The North Node brings new things into our lives and expands the area it transits. Unlike Jupiter, which usually expands what’s already available in the area it transits and requires you to consciously decide to take an opportunity, the North Node expansion is related to new elements and developments, often out of the blue and out of our control.

The South Node represents the tail of the dragon – it shows where we need to let things go, let them dissolve and drop out of our lives, the qualities we have already developed in past lives which we don’t need to focus on as much in this life. It is also associated with loss of tangible resources and shifts of the focus on spirituality instead.

What Should We Expect in the next 1 ½ Year? Mundane Astrology Impact

In general, many impactful events worldwide happen when an important planet or object is transiting the Cardinal signs as they are initiators – each cardinal sign marks the beginning of a season and starts something new. Aries-Libra are the first pair of signs and the first pair of cardinal signs. We can expect impactful events, especially in a year and a half when the nodes transit zero degree Aries-Libra.

North Node in Aries – an expansion in areas ruled by Aries such as military conflicts, military businesses, sports-related initiatives and businesses, start ups and new projects and ideas; fires and fire-related accidents; headaches and issues with blood pressure; bravery, aggression and competition, masculine energy.

South Node in Libra – dissolution of things ruled by Libra such as diplomatic contracts, business partnerships; decreased number of marriages or higher divorce rates; decreased growth in the beauty industry. In Libra the South Node may also make us less focused on balance, fairness and equality. There might be shake ups in some legal systems, especially in countries ruled by Libra.

Personal Life Impact

Your Aries-Libra areas of life + areas of life ruled by any planets you have in Aries or Libra. In addition, the rest of the cardinal signs – Cancer and Capricorn placements, might feel this transit intensely as well. The particular influence in your life depends on your natal and prognostic charts. To book a reading, visit the Readings tab of my website.

The area(s) of life ruled by Aries will see an expansion, new experiences and an increase in quality and quantity. Welcome the blessings but beware of illusions that seem too good to be true. Be careful not to overdo things and overestimate reality.

The area(s) of life ruled by Libra will see restrictions, dissolution and loss, not necessarily negative. Choose what you want to let go of and remove any elements that stop you from achieving your highest potential.


If you need help navigating the Nodes energy and you feel intense pressure in your Aries/Libra areas of life, try some of these general remedies:

  • Work out regularly (aries), especially team sports (libra);
  • Be more active and assertive (aries) and speak up about injustices (libra);
  • Re-assess your style (libra) and add more aggressive colors or shapes (aries) if they fit your archetype;
  • Wear red (aries) and pink (libra) together or get jewellery with red and pink stones such as ruby and pink tourmaline/quartz;
  • Light up beautiful (libra) candles (aries) – be very careful with fire though!
  • Spend time next to fire – fireplaces, bonfires (aries) with friends or close ones (libra) – again very careful here!
  • Collaborate (libra) in business (aries), especially if starting a new project.

Specific remedies depend on your personal chart so if you need help determining those I would recommend a reading 🙂

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